Technical Illustration

Interactive Technical Solutions (ITS) have a team of Technical Illustrators who produce illustrations for our inhouse publications, or can produce an illustration to insert within your own documentation.

Our illustrators can produce line and colour illustrations from any source information, by viewing the actual equipment to working from engineering drawings. Most commonly now, we work from many electronic formats, but mainly STEP or IGES. Whilst CAD has opened the door to the creation of an illustration at the click of button, in reality, it is not always as simple as that. Quite often an assembly can have more than one CAD file, from different sources with little or no interface detail between them, this is where the skill of a technical Illustrator can bridge the gap.

Our illustrations can be produced to any specification required. JSP186, JSP(D)543, ATA iSpec 2200, S1000D. Our software of choice is Isodraw, though we also utilise Solidworks 3dVIA for colour work and animations.


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